
Gender Equity in Sport – Women on Boards
Creating gender equity in sport. The article dives into the reasons why women are underrepresented on volunteer sport boards, and offers 6 ways to improve gender equity.

Gender Equity in Sport – More Women and Girls in Play
Creating gender equity in sport. The article reviews two national sport organizations' efforts in getting girls and women in the game.

Building Inclusion in Sport
This week, I'm celebrating the Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion and #ChooseToInclude people with disabilities in sport.

Rethinking Athlete Programming After COVID-19
Rethinking athlete programming after COVID-19, in order to retain your current athletes and attract new ones.

The Return to Play on the Field of Dreams
Now that we are starting to return to play in the COVID-19 world, will it be like the movie Field of Dreams- if we build it, they will come?

Racism in Sport
Many sport organizations are wondering how they should work to eliminate racism. This article discusses what to consider before engaging in anti-racism work, and how to comment about that work publicly.

Celebrating Recreation & Recreation Professionals
June is Parks and Recreation Month, with this being Recreation Professionals Week, and I discuss the importance of recreation for ourselves, our communities, and our society.

Spark Solutions: An Origin Story
From a tiny central Saskatchewan town to the Olympic stage in Sochi, Russia, I share some of the moments that have led to my desire to #sparkplay.